Academic Privacy
Student records are guaranteed privacy under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974.
Information on a student, including his/her personal file and academic record, will be released with his/her written permission. Directory information, such as name, address, telephone number, and enrollment status may be disclosed for any purpose by the Registrar’s office at its discretion unless informed otherwise by the student in writing.
Those to whom information is given about a student (e.g., a four-year college to which he/she is applying) will be reminded that the information obtained from Fort Peck Community College is to remain confidential unless further permission for its release is granted by the student. FPCC keeps a record of persons, other than FPCC faculty and staff, who request or obtain access to student files.
Only authorized staff have direct access to the files. Students may inspect their educational records at any time during regular business hours. The Information Release Policy checklist (published on page 20) provides an outline of the information in the records and college’s policy on release of such information. Any questions regarding educational records should be directed to the Registrar.
Contact Michelle Day, Registrar
(406) 768-6351