Our Language & Culture – Fort Peck Community College

Our Language & Culture

In pursing mission fulfillment, FPCC seeks to perpetuate Nakona/Dakota history, values, culture and language to the students we serve.

Welcome to Buffalo Chaser Country!

Nakona/Dakota culture are interwoven in and out of the classroom as part of the student experience. Students will be exposed to and participate in activities, events, and organizations, which embody our unique tribal identities. FPCC leadership believes student success is directly related to cultural awareness and identity. As a result FPCC is part of and provides the following:

Blue Stone Indian Club

Culture Committee

  • Round Dance
  • Graduation Pow Wow

American Indian Higher Education Consortium

World Indigenous Nations Higher Education Consortium


To fulfill the mission statement of Fort Peck Community College; F.P.C.C. serves the people of the Fort Peck Reservation and northeastern Montana as a medium of Indian awareness enabling increased self-awareness, the Native American Studies (N.A.S.) Department has offered Nakón I●a and Dakota language courses since 1981.  In addition to the daily and evening language courses the N.A.S. Department provides language learning opportunities for all ages which has been accomplished through a variety of grants and partnerships with community sponsors.

To ensure ease of language acquisition F.P.C.C. partnered with Native Teaching Aids to create a keyboard layout that could be used with either language.  The keyboard recognizes the nasal vowels, accent marker, glottal stop, and fricatives.  The link, directions, and typed orthography description have been attached and free for download.  There are directions for both the Mac and Windows platforms, if assistance is needed you can contact the N.A.S. Department at 406.768.6342 or mturcotte@fpcc.edu


Check out the series of content.

FPCC Landbased Learning