Course Catalog

The course descriptions present a brief synopsis of the course purpose and content. Students who wish more detailed information should request a copy of the course syllabus from the instructor.
This electronic version supersedes the printed version of the 2023-2025 Course Catalog:
Students must consult the semester schedule printed and distributed before registration to find the dates, times and location of the courses. General education courses required for the Associate of Arts degree and the Associate of Science degree are offered at least once during the academic year. Courses listed in the programs of study for the Associate of Applied Science degree are offered at least once during a two-year cycle. Courses listed in the program of study for the certificate are offered at least once during the academic year. Some courses, especially at the 200 course level, may be available only once during a two-year cycle.
Courses such as Special Projects, Research, and Field Practica require the “consent of instructor” who will provide direct supervision of the study undertaken.
Courses numbered 100 through 199 are recommended for the first year of study. Courses numbered 200 through 299 are recommended for students with sophomore status. Courses with numbers 099 and below do not carry college credit and cannot be used for degree requirements.
Service Learning Options
When accepting the service learning option, the student additionally engages a problem-based interaction with a local professional in the workplace. In the placement, the student authenticates course content by reflectively applying items from the content in an actual work environment. The Service Learning Option is noted in the course description as (Service Learning Option).
Cross Referenced Courses
Fort Peck Community College is a participant institution in the Montana University System Transferability Initiative. The FPCC course numbers are listed first; the Montana University System course numbers are second.
Course descriptions are organized alphabetically by department, such as American Indian Studies (AIS), and then sequentially by course number.