Veterans’ Benefits – Fort Peck Community College

Veterans’ Benefits

Please be advised of the NEW Standards for Veterans that will be implemented in the Fort Peck Community College Financial Aid Office effective immediately. If you have any questions, please see the Financial Aid Officer.

Standards for Veterans

Any student receiving benefits from the Veterans Administration will be counseled by the certifying official about benefits, credit load, withdrawal procedures, remedial and tutorial assistance, and his/her own responsibilities in these matters. He/she will then have his/her enrollment form approved by the Veteran’s Affairs Office (VAO) during each registration.

Satisfactory Progress

Any veteran receiving educational benefits from the Veterans Administration is expected to progress satisfactorily toward an educational goal and must meet the following standards:

  • Any veteran whose grade point average is 1.75 or below in any given semester will be placed on scholastic probation and will be required to receive special counseling by the certifying official before registering the next semester.
  • VA educational benefits will be terminated for any veteran whose cumulative grade point average is less than 2.00 for two consecutive semesters.
  • A “W” will be reported to the Veterans Administration only if it affects a veteran’s enrollment status.
  • A 2.00 GPA is required at the completion of degree or certificate.

To allow for timely processing, students applying for Veteran’s Educational Assistance are encouraged to apply for assistance one month prior to registration. The Financial Aid Officer can assist with the application process and certify students through the VA online. For more detailed information or assistance, students may contact their nearest VA regional office, local service officer, or veteran’s organization representative, including the American Red Cross, in their community. Students may access the official website of the Department of Veterans Affairs Educational Service at or call them at 1-88-GI-BILL-1 (1-888-442-4551).

Veteran’s Upward Bound

Veteran’s Upward Bound is one program under the U.S. Office of Education’s TRIO programs designed to prepare and encourage access and participation in postsecondary education among low income and first generation college students.

Who is eligible for Veterans Upward Bound?
  • Any U.S. Military Veteran who served at least 180 days of active duty after January 31, 1955 or released from active duty because of a service connected disability.
  • Veterans with Dishonorable Discharges are not eligible for services; all other forms of discharge are.
  • Veterans must be 1) low-income as verified by a tax form or an individual student statement of income; and/or 2) a first-generation college student as defined that neither of the veteran’s parents has obtained a four-year college degree.
What services does Veterans Upward Bound provide?

Veterans Upward Bound provides education services to veterans throughout the State of Montana. For further information FPCC’s VUB program, contact Rhonda Mason at (406) 768-6345.