Student Services

Student Services was established to contribute to student success.
Support staff work individually with students on issues such as counseling services, obtaining scholarships, to roommate conflicts. We are always willing to assist students as they make their way through higher education and become responsible citizens and professionals. (borrowed from RMC)
We work to meet the unique educational and individual needs of the students of FPCC. Student Services contributes to student’s accomplish their goals in life through direct and continuous participation in the education process. Student Services in partnership with TRIO, acts as an advocate for students by counseling and working with individual students and student groups, as well as with other campus offices and divisions, to create a sense of community atmosphere.
Fort Peck Community College is pleased to offer emergency aid funding through the Emergency Aid Program. Timely response to financial hardships and keeping students on the path to success is the program mission. Students are encouraged to complete the online application. FPCC staff will then notify applicants the status of their application. Verification of student identification and eligibility requires verification before 3rd party funding provided.
The emergency aid program application can be found at the following link: FPCC Emergency Aid
Services provided include:
- College Transfer Assistance
- Counseling
- Data Protection and Cybersecurity Guide for College Students
- Emergency Aid
- Financial Aid
- Grad Ready
- Leadership Opportunities
- Mentoring
- Placement/Career
- Scholarship Search
- Student/Family Activities
- Student Housing
- Student Mentors
- Student Organizations
- Veteran’s Program Assistance
- Transfer Assistance
- Tutor Services
- Wa Wo Giya “Offers to Help” – Retention
Student Organizations
FPCC encourages and supports the activities of several student-oriented organizations that, in turn, promote the mission and educational programs of the College. All student organizations have faculty and staff advisors, and they actively fund-raise throughout the academic year to fund activities and attend educational conferences and seminars. Student organizations provide the student body with activities to promote healthy student lifestyles.
The following are the FPCC student organizations:
- American Indian Business Leaders (AIBL)
- American Indian Science & Engineering Society (AISES)
- Athletics
- Blue Stone Indian Club
- Student Senate
- Anime Club
- Computer Gaming Club
Students may initiate new organizations. The scope of new organizations is determined by student interest. Students may join other students in a continually growing number of organizations or may lend their talents to various committees. For more information on student organizations, please see the FPCC Student Handbook.