Academic Expectations – Fort Peck Community College

Academic Expectations

In order to fulfill its responsibilities, Fort Peck Community College must maintain high standards of academic behavior.

All members of the College community are expected to exhibit honesty in their academic work. Students have a responsibility to acquaint themselves with and to make use of proper procedures for writing papers, taking examinations, and doing research. The principle of academic honesty is understood to apply to all student work, including papers, reports, quizzes, and examinations.

Students must always acknowledge any kind of borrowing (e.g., wording or ideas) that is included in any of their work. Failure to acknowledge any aspect that is not the student’s own original work is plagiarism. Students who plagiarize need to know that this is a serious offense that could result in failing the class and/or other reprimands. When an instructor determines that a student is violating the academic guidelines and informal correction methods have not been effective, the following two-step process will be initiated:

Step One
The instructor will schedule a formal meeting outside of class to discuss the inappropriate conduct. At this time the instructor will indicate specifically what is expected and the consequences if the behavior reoccurs. If the behavior continues, the students may be instructed to leave class. The instructor will notify the Academic Vice President that he/she may have to remove the student from class.

Step Two
The instructor may withdraw the student from the class with the approval of the Academic Vice President. All attempted corrective actions should be documented by the instructor and accompany the withdrawal form.

Faculty members have a responsibility to maintain high standards of teaching, community service, scholarship, and professional conduct. Instructors must encourage the pursuit of learning. Instructors should insure that students are respected as individuals. The instructor seeks to establish a relationship of mutual trust and adheres to the proper role as intellectual guide and advisor. The instructor will foster honest academic conduct and will assure that the evaluation of students’ scholastic performance reflects their true achievements. If a student feels that an instructor has been remiss in his/her responsibilities, the following three-step student grievance process may be utilized:

Student Grievance Procedure

Step One
Within one week of the problem occurring, the student must arrange a time with the instructor to discuss the problem. If the problem continues or if the resolution is unsatisfactory;

Step Two
The student should discuss the problem with his/her academic advisor. The advisor will take action within one week of being notified of the problem. If this does not result in a satisfactory solution;

Step Three
Within one week of the advisor’s decision, the student and/or advisor may request a hearing with the Academic Vice President. This request must be in writing and document the problem, dates and results of attempts to reconcile the problem, and the student’s preferred resolution. The Academic Vice President will arrange a hearing with the student, the advisor and the instructor to determine a course of action. This hearing will take place within one week of receiving the hearing request. A response by the Academic Vice President will be made within one week of the hearing.